Week 6 (2/24-28) Congratulations on completing Test 2. We will open the test questions for you to review in PrairieLearn early this week. Test 3 will cover topics from Lectures 8-11.
Here is a summary of our schedule and deadlines for Week 6:
- Class Meetings
- Lectures 10 and 11 (energy)
- Discussion 6
- Lab 4
- Online assignments
- [smartPhysics] Prelectures and Checkpoints 10 and 11
- [smartPhysics] Homework 5 is due at 8am on Thursday, February 27
- [smartPhysics] Prelab 4 is due at 8am on the day your lab meets
- Action items
- [James Scholar Students] Start to work to identify your project topic or article
- If you are looking for individual feedback or advice after Test 2: Talk to your TA and/or arrange a one-on-one meeting with Prof. Ansell
- If you are looking for extra help after Test 2: Come to office hours, connect with Jeffries Center free tutoring, or seek out a private tutor (your TA may be able to connect you with graduate students who are interested in tutoring)