Lab 8
Method Blitz
- MP4 (Photoscoop): review your official score and revise. MP4 will be graded again next Monday evening out of 99.
- MP4 Hint: You may need to use the debugger to find and fix the infinite loop in PlayListUtil.
- Start MP5 DataStructures is out and requires significant time.
- Stay on schedule for Turing's Craft.
- Do readings. Catch up now. Ask questions if you don't understand something.
- Please use Lab time to get help on difficult TC questions.
Other Notes
Autograder info:
- The tests used by the grader are not exactly the same as yours. For example, the test images may be different dimensions and include different values.
- If you don't get the score you expected, please check the subversion sub-directories for the details.
- Run the autograder yourself: right click on "AutomaticGrader" and select "RUN AS Java Application". This will:
- compile all java files
- run all the unit tests (if no compile errors)
- print a score based on the number of tests passed.
Grading info:
- A submission with a compile error will score 1/100.
- A submission with an infinite loop will score 0/100.
- Final score is the maximum of all grading runs.