Quiz 07 - Solutions: http://bit.ly/4kb77v

Quiz Sections

Weekly quizzes in this course are NOT easy. The questions consist, by and large, of writing code and questions from the readings and lecture and discussion sections. Content may include all material covered in the class to date, with an emphasis on the content covered in the preceding week. Your average quiz score will determine 45% of your final grade.

Quiz Schedule

You will register for the quiz time online. Register Here. We will announce when you are available to schedule quizzes. Time slots are available Thursday through Sunday. Schedule early in the week to avoid the last minute rush.

Sign up for the earliest time you can take a quiz to avoid missing quizzes and associated missed quiz penalties. (See below for penalties)

Quiz Lab Location

Room 57 Grainger Engineering Library. Grainger Engineering Library Room 57 Information

Quiz Score Calculation

Although all the quizzes may have a different number of available points, your average percentage score is what is used to determine your grade. For example, suppose your quiz scores are the following:

 Points  Percentage  Quiz Grade Average 

Note that the "Quiz Grade Average" is computed as (86 + 91 + 100)/3 = 92.3%.

Missed Quizzes

There will be no make up quizzes. Register to take your quiz earlier rather than later to insure you can reserve a time slot. If you miss a quiz, you will be given your semester's average quiz score minus a penalty, as follows:

 Number of Missed Quizzes  Missed Quiz Score 
Missed Quiz 1 ScoreSemester Quiz Average - 20%
Missed Quiz 2 ScoreSemester Quiz Average - 30%
Missed Quiz 3 ScoreSemester Quiz Average - 40%

For example, if you miss quiz 4, and your semester quiz average is 92.3% (for all quizzes you attended), you will receive an assigned grade of 72.3% (92.3% - 20% = 72.3%) for your missing quiz 4, making your semester quiz average 87.3%. If you also miss quiz 5, you will receive an assigned grade of 57.3% (87.3% - 30%) for your second missing quiz, making your semester quiz average 81.3%.

Sign up for the earliest time you can take a quiz to avoid missing quizzes and associated missed quiz penalties.