MP5: and


A Geocache Object is a custom data structure that you will be responsible for implementing in this class. (Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity.)


The requirements for are the following:



A GeocacheList is simply a well managed array of Geocache objects.

Warning: You must get working before you start, because GeocacheList relies on Geocache to work (i.e., you will get a 0 on GeocacheList if Geocache is a 0).

You will have to complete the following code:

//UIUC CS125 FALL 2014 MP. File:, CS125 Project: Challenge5-DataStructures, Version: 2014-10-12T11:30:28-0500.439145392
 * Complete the following GeocacheList, to ensure all unit tests pass. There are
 * several errors in the code below
 * Hint: Get the Geocache class working and passing its tests first.
public class GeocacheList {
    private Geocache[] data = new Geocache[0];
    private int size = 0;
     * Returns the ith Geocache object in Geocache[] data.
    public Geocache getGeocache(int i) {
        return null;
     * Public getter method for private int size
    public int getSize() {
        return 0;
     * Default/No args constructor for GeocacheList
    public GeocacheList() {
     * Copy constructor for GeocacheList: This constructor should create a copy
     * of of a GeocacheList given a reference to that GeocacheList. Whether its
     * a deep copy or shallow copy is dependent on boolean deepCopy
     * If you dont know the difference between a deep copy and shallow copy,
     * please go to an office hour, since it's essential to this assignment
    public GeocacheList(GeocacheList other, boolean deepCopy) {
        data = new Geocache[];
        size = other.size;
     * Adds a Geocache object to the end of the GeocacheList
    public void add(Geocache p) {
        if (size > data.length) {
            Geocache[] old = data;
            data = new Geocache[size * 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < old.length; i++)
                data[i] = old[i];
        data[size - 1] = p;
    public Geocache removeFromTop() {
        return null;
     * Prints out all the content of the GeocacheList
    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("GeocacheList:");
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (i > 0)
        return s.toString();