Welcome to CS 125!

About these readings

Good software is designed to optimize the efficiency of completing a task for the user. Similarly, a high-quality academic course is designed for efficiency of learning. In a mobile app that keeps your daily calendar for example, the software implements an interface that is designed to optimize entering and retrieving scheduled tasks or events. For this Introduction to Computer Science course, our goal is to optimize the learning of introductory concepts and languages of computational sciences. Software designers rely on results from research in the fields of human-computer interaction and user-interface design to create an effective calendar app. In the design of this course, we rely on state-of-the-art techniques based on the latest learning science research to design a multifaceted learning system optimized toward rapidly learning complex ideas, computer languages and the skills necessary in computer science.

A critical component of this learning system is this set of pre-lecture readings, activities and videos. Material from this package will be assigned three times a week and best completed prior to the lecture for which they are assigned. This material is meant to introduce the instructional material to you. Because most ‘learning’ of new material will happen in these assignments, they are critical to success in this course. You will get the most out of the readings, the lectures, and the course, if the assigned material is completed prior to each lecture. During lectures we will discuss concepts introduced in the readings, expand on the concepts and most importantly, work problems designed to cement your understanding of the ideas introduced in the readings.

We understand that scheduling conflicts or an illness may sometimes get in the way of this ideal schedule. In these cases, we recommend at least screening the material for important concepts prior to lectures and then completing the detailed reading of the assignment as soon as possible (within a day or two) after the lecture for which it was assigned. Content and problems in weekly lab sections and assessments will be heavily weighted on the material assigned during the prior week so falling behind will be detrimental to your grade as well as to your long-term understanding of the material.

The information presented here is intended to promote ‘active reading’. When reading passively, for example consuming a novel during your summer vacation, the goal is to be told a story, to be entertained. Active reading is a very different activity. When reading actively, the reader will be reorganizing or structuring information with the goal that it becomes a part of them. The active reader is constantly making ties to things she already knows so that it becomes a part of her greater understanding. Active readers are ‘grokking’ the material (see Definition 1.1).

As much as possible, we will facilitate active reading by providing activities and exercises designed to promote rapid understanding and assimilation of the content.

A primary difference between active and passive reading is pace. In technical reading, the pace is generally much slower. Fewer words are skipped and skimming is replaced in favor of re-reading more complex passages to cement understanding.

Optimally, re-reading and revisiting content at a variety of time intervals is most effective. Curriculum designers have been constructing so-called spiral or circular curriculum for years. The idea behind this design is that multiple encounters with the same material will trigger the brain into recognizing that this material is important and coaxing it to put the information into long-term memory. Additionally, encountering other related material (from later readings) may provide valuable context that will make the original reading more understandable in the second or third encounter. The main point is that by reading content a second, third and possibly a fourth time, and considering the ideas at a variety of intervals (hours, days, weeks) you will greatly improve your chances of making this material a part of your web of understanding.

When reading content multiple times, here are some guidelines for active readers:


Manage lapses in concentration

The time spent on course reading should be efficient, directed and focussed. Besides saving time for other endeavors, you will increase your happiness. We have made this content available in a mobile-friendly environment so it can be used anywhere. If your current environment is not conducive to focus, go someplace else. Use the “do not disturb” settings on your device to eliminate interruptions from email and text messages while you are actively reading. Even with these provisions, distractions will occasionally occur. Tend to these interruptions, then come back - addressing distractions is not a sin. There are more important things in life than the material presented here—although we can’t think of any offhand (we joke).

Read like a scientist

You won’t always need to re-read entire chapters of content. Sometimes getting a feel for the content of a section is enough to remind you of all the content contained therein. Reading the introduction and the conclusions is often enough to allow you to quiz yourself on the content. If you are able to sufficiently recall and use the information in the chapter, that refresher should be enough time spent reviewing. Surveys consistently report that scientists will often read the abstracts and conclusions of research paper and possibly glance at the figures to get a flavor for what the research is about before deciding to read the entire manuscript for the details. Your personal notes on a section should play a similar role to an abstract in your reviewing of material.

As you progress through the readings in this course (and any other future courses), you may wish to adopt the SQ3R sequence developed by Francis Robinson at Ohio State (ref link). For optimum comprehension when actively reading assignments, this approach suggests you Survey, Question, Read, Review, Recite (SQ3R):

Remember, while actively reading content in this and other computer science courses, we are not passively consuming the content, but instead grokking the techniques and ideas that encompass computer science. The ideas and techniques presented here will go a long way toward that goal.