Meeting with Your TA


By the Thursday of the third week, you must have a project approved, and should be ready to get working! At this time, you'll need to log into PACE and submit your schedule for the semester. Please be sure to make this as accurate as possible because once it's submitted, it can only be changed manually. Making a block of your schedule red means that you are unavailable during that time.

Once each person on your team has submitted their schedule, your TA will be able to easily check for available times to schedule a weekly meeting. Your TA should contact you, usually by the fourth week, via email, to set up a weekly meeting schedule at mutual convenience. During the first weekly meeting, your TA will assign your team a locker and a lab kit.

Weekly meetings with your TA are required and will be held throughout the entire semester until demonstrations are completed. Your TA is your project manager. The "homework" of the course consists of preparing for the weekly meetings. Your TA will evaluate your lab notebook each week, provide feedback, and recommend improvements. At each meeting you will be expected to present your progress since your last meeting, plans for the coming week, and any technical or administrative questions you need to discuss with your TA. You are expected to arrive on time and prepared to make good use of your time with your TA. Your TA may require that each team member to fill out the Progress Report Template and submit it to them prior to each weekly meeting.

Requirements and Grading

Attendance and participation in weekly meetings is required and will affect Teamwork and Lab Notebook scores. If you can't make it to a particular weekly meeting, it is your responsibility to inform your TA prior to the meeting time and set up an alternate time.

Submission and Deadlines

Your schedule must be submitted by the end of the third week of class and you will receive an email from your TA shortly after. Your first meeting with your TA should be during the fourth week of the semester.

Illini Voyager

Cameron Jones, Christopher Xu

Featured Project

# Illini Voyager

Team Members:

- Christopher Xu (cyx3)

- Cameron Jones (ccj4)

# Problem

Weather balloons are commonly used to collect meteorological data, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, and wind velocity at different layers of the atmosphere. These data are key components of today’s best predictive weather models, and we rely on the constant launch of radiosondes to meet this need. Most weather balloons cannot control their altitude and direction of travel, but if they could, we would be able to collect data from specific regions of the atmosphere, avoid commercial airspaces, increase range and duration of flights by optimizing position relative to weather forecasts, and avoid pollution from constant launches. A long endurance balloon platform also uniquely enables the performance of interesting payloads, such as the detection of high energy particles over the Antarctic, in situ measurements of high-altitude weather phenomena in remote locations, and radiation testing of electronic components. Since nearly all weather balloons flown today lack the control capability to make this possible, we are presented with an interesting engineering challenge with a significant payoff.

# Solution

We aim to solve this problem through the use of an automated venting and ballast system, which can modulate the balloon’s buoyancy to achieve a target altitude. Given accurate GPS positioning and modeling of the jetstream, we can fly at certain altitudes to navigate the winds of the upper atmosphere. The venting will be performed by an actuator fixed to the neck of the balloon, and the ballast drops will consist of small, biodegradable BBs, which pose no threat to anything below the balloon. Similar existing solutions, particularly the Stanford Valbal project, have had significant success with their long endurance launches. We are seeking to improve upon their endurance by increasing longevity from a power consumption and recharging standpoint, implementing a more capable altitude control algorithm which minimizes helium and ballast expenditures, and optimizing mechanisms to increase ballast capacity. With altitude control, the balloon has access to winds going in different directions at different layers in the atmosphere, making it possible to roughly adjust its horizontal trajectory and collect data from multiple regions in one flight.

# Solution Components

## Vent Valve and Cut-down (Mechanical)

A servo actuates a valve that allows helium to exit the balloon, decreasing the lift. The valve must allow enough flow when open to slow the initial ascent of the balloon at the cruising altitude, yet create a tight seal when closed. The same servo will also be able to detach or cut down the balloon in case we need to end the flight early. A parachute will deploy under free fall.

## Ballast Dropper (Mechanical)

A small DC motor spins a wheel to drop [biodegradable BBs]( As the total weight of the system decreases, the balloon will gain altitude. This mechanism must drop BBs at a consistent weight and operate for long durations without jamming or have a method of detecting the jams and running an unjamming sequence.

## Power Subsystem (Electrical)

The entire system will be powered by a few lightweight rechargeable batteries (such as 18650). A battery protection system (such as BQ294x) will have an undervoltage and overvoltage cutoff to ensure safe voltages on the cells during charge and discharge.

## Control Subsystem (Electrical)

An STM32 microcontroller will serve as our flight computer and has the responsibility for commanding actuators, collecting data, and managing communications back to our ground console. We’ll likely use an internal watchdog timer to recover from system faults. On the same board, we’ll have GPS, pressure, temperature, and humidity sensors to determine how to actuate the vent valve or ballast.

## Communication Subsystem (Electrical)

The microcontroller will communicate via serial to the satellite modem (Iridium 9603N), sending small packets back to us on the ground with a minimum frequency of once per hour. There will also be a LED beacon visible up to 5 miles at night to meet regulations. We have read through the FAA part 101 regulations and believe our system meets all requirements to enable a safe, legal, and ethical balloon flight.

## Ground Subsystem (Software)

We will maintain a web server which will receive location reports and other data packets from our balloon while it is in flight. This piece of software will also allow us to schedule commands, respond to error conditions, and adjust the control algorithm while in flight.

# Criterion For Success

We aim to launch the balloon a week before the demo date. At the demo, we will present any data collected from the launch, as well as an identical version of the avionics board showing its functionality. A quantitative goal for the balloon is to survive 24 hours in the air, collect data for that whole period, and report it back via the satellite modem.

![Block diagram](