# | Title | Team Members | TA | Documents | Sponsor |
55 | Waste Segregation System (Team members: syedr3, rutvadp2, konarkd2) |
Ahmed Raza Konark Dhingreja Rutva Pandya |
Maanas Sandeep Agrawal | proposal1.pdf |
# Problem Inefficient waste segregation is a critical environmental challenge. While recycling facilities exist, their effectiveness is severely limited by improper waste sorting at the source. Manual sorting is prone to errors, time-consuming, and often results in recyclable materials being sent to landfills. There's a clear need for an automated system that can accurately segregate waste at the disposal point. # Solution Our solution is an intelligent waste segregation system that automatically identifies and sorts waste into appropriate categories using computer vision and mechanical automation. The system comprises a main intake chamber with a camera for material identification, connected to four separate collection bins (for glass, plastic, metal, and non-recyclable waste). A pre-trained machine learning model running on an Arduino processes images to identify materials, while a tilting platform drops items into their matching bins. # Solution Components ## Vision and Processing Subsystem - HD camera for waste item imaging - Custom PCB with Arduino for system control and ML model execution - Pre-trained TensorFlow model for material classification - LED indicators for bin status and error conditions ## Mechanical Sorting Subsystem - Routing mechanism with 4-way directional control - Emergency stop mechanism for system blockages - Anti-jamming detection system ## Power and Housing Subsystem - Converts standard outlet power to the required sensor, microcontroller, and communications module demands Example RFA (cont.) # Criterion for Success Our solution will be considered successful if it achieves: Material identification accuracy of >70% under various lighting conditions, Sorting speed of at least 1 item every 20 seconds, Ability to handle items up to 500g in weight, and Less than 20% system jamming rate during continuous operation |