
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
23 Smart Snack Dispenser
Adam Kramer
Elinor Simmons
Eric Nieto Gonzalez
Surya Vasanth proposal1.pdf
Team Members:

- Eric Nieto Gonzalez
- Elinor Simmons
- Adam Kramer

One common problem many people face is difficulty in controlling snack portions, which can lead to overeating and unhealthy eating habits. Mindless snacking, especially when working, studying, or watching TV, often results in consuming more than intended. Similarly, there seem to be no machines handling this issue within the current market, leaving individuals to rely on willpower alone or resort to ineffective portioning methods such as manually separating snacks into smaller bags. Without a structured approach, people often struggle to regulate their intake, leading to issues such as weight gain, unhealthy eating patterns, and difficulty in maintaining a balanced diet.

The smart snack dispenser addresses this issue by allowing users to set portion sizes and control snack intake. By offering a structured approach to snacking, it helps users develop healthier eating habits, prevent overindulgence, and manage calorie intake more effectively. This solution is particularly beneficial for individuals trying to maintain a balanced diet and/or are tracking their food intake. The machine will offer a specific set of 10 snacks. This includes M&M's, Skittles, Goldfish, Almonds, Cashews, and others. The machine will also plug into a wall outlet.

The solution will include the following subsystems:

- Motor Subsystem: There will be a motor for each snack implanted so that the user can ask for that specific snack, allowing for it to be dropped down to be given to the user.

- Light Sensor/ Computer Vision Subsystem: There will also be a sensor for each snack as well to detect when the stock of each respective snack is running low. This will then be relayed back to the LCD Screen to inform everyone that one is running low.

- PIR Subsystem: This will take care of the machines dropping mechanism and ensuring that there is a tray the user is providing for their needed snacks. It will be a PIR sensor to detect if there is a tray present.

- Touchscreen LCD Display Subsystem: This will be the UI that allows the user to place their goals, access their profiles, and display crucial information. This will show things like date, time, type of snacks, and nutrition for that person to keep a log.

- RFID Subsystem: This will scan each person's ID to access their own personal nutritional goals and data. This way the machine can be used within like a family instead of just one person. Therefore, the machine will also have data on each person's nutrition.

- Portion Control Subsystem: This will make sure that the correct portion is being dispensed.

- Software Subsystem: This will handle all of the internal features. These will include a "lockout" system that will prevent the user from dispensing any more snacks once a set daily calorie limit is hit. There will also be a recommendation system to recommend a more sufficient snack if needed, the displaying of the date, time, type of snacks, and nutrition for that person to keep a log. There will be two modes offered as well. One is a casual mode that will just allow the user to pick whatever snack they want and choose a portion, this will not implement the lockout system. The other mode is the main mode which will provide a user a snack after choosing if they are in need of something that will, for example, help give them more energy or they want something with more protein.

The Motor Subsystem is responsible for the snacks being dispensed correctly and no issues arising.


- Code the motors in the micro controller and ensure each functions properly with their respective snack.
- Create a format where only a certain amount of snacks gets dispensed with no issues.

- A motor per snack that will be in the machine.

The Light Sensor Subsystem is responsible for checking the amount of snack present. It will also tell us when the snack on each one is running low.


- Code the light sensor where we know the depth of each snack container and then reduce the amount by a little.
- This will then allow us to detect when a snack is running low when that previous depth as been reach once more.

- A light sensor per snack that will be in the machine.

The PIR Subsystem is responsible for checking if a tray is present or not.


- Code the PIR sensor in the micro controller and check when there is a tray present or not
- This can be done where we detect the light coming back soon since in the presence of a tray, it should not take long compared to nothing being present.

- One PIR sensor for the dispensary.
- Design the dispensary in a way that drops the snacks without blocking the PIR sensor.

The Touchscreen LCD Display Subsystem is responsible for displaying all the needed information to the respective user.


- Code the LCD display to work properly with the rest of the sensor as mentioned.
- Create a solid user interface as well where the user can interact with the display.
- Display needed nutritional facts as well and constraints on the user if needed.


- One Touchscreen LCD display
- A memory to save all the data that will be implemented

The RFID Subsystem is responsible for checking in each user and locate their respective data.

- Code the RFID system so that it functions properly with the user tags

- RFID reader
- RFID tag tag per user

The Portion Control System will make sure the correct portion is being dispensed.

- Create a frame that will hold the weight sensor.
- Code so that the weight sensor readings are read on the LCD and apply correct units.

- Weight sensor

The Software Subsystem will handle all of the internal features.

- Code the lockout system, the recommendation system, date, time, type of snacks, nutrition log.

- The ESP32, so we can have access to WIFI

Our project will be considered successful if it meets the following testable criteria.
1. The weight sensor is accurate with a 5% tolerance
1. The motor system dispenses the snack with minimal issues (motor doesn't jam and snacks don't get stuck while dispensing).
1. The user interface works properly and the internal software systems work at the appropriate times.
1. Both sensors for refilling and checking if a container is present are working properly.
1. Snack is dispensed in at most 3 seconds after the user chooses the amount of snack.

Autonomous Sailboat

Riley Baker, Arthur Liang, Lorenzo Rodriguez Perez

Autonomous Sailboat

Featured Project

# Autonomous Sailboat

Team Members:

- Riley Baker (rileymb3)

- Lorenzo Pérez (lr12)

- Arthur Liang (chianl2)

# Problem

WRSC (World Robotic Sailing Championship) is an autonomous sailing competition that aims at stimulating the development of autonomous marine robotics. In order to make autonomous sailing more accessible, some scholars have created a generic educational design. However, these models utilize expensive and scarce autopilot systems such as the Pixhawk Flight controller.

# Solution

The goal of this project is to make an affordable, user- friendly RC sailboat that can be used as a means of learning autonomous sailing on a smaller scale. The Autonomous Sailboat will have dual mode capability, allowing the operator to switch from manual to autonomous mode where the boat will maintain its current compass heading. The boat will transmit its sensor data back to base where the operator can use it to better the autonomous mode capability and keep track of the boat’s position in the water. Amateur sailors will benefit from the “return to base” functionality provided by the autonomous system.

# Solution Components

## On-board

### Sensors

Pixhawk - Connect GPS and compass sensors to microcontroller that allows for a stable state system within the autonomous mode. A shaft decoder that serves as a wind vane sensor that we plan to attach to the head of the mast to detect wind direction and speed. A compass/accelerometer sensor and GPS to detect the position of the boat and direction of travel.

### Actuators

2 servos - one winch servo that controls the orientation of the mainsail and one that controls that orientation of the rudder

### Communication devices

5 channel 2.4 GHz receiver - A receiver that will be used to select autonomous or manual mode and will trigger orders when in manual mode.

5 channel 2.4 GHz transmitter - A transmitter that will have the ability to switch between autonomous and manual mode. It will also transfer servos movements when in manual mode.

### Power

LiPo battery

## Ground control

Microcontroller - A microcontroller that records sensor output and servo settings for radio control and autonomous modes. Software on microcontroller processes the sensor input and determines the optimum rudder and sail winch servo settings needed to maintain a prescribed course for the given wind direction.

# Criterion For Success

1. Implement dual mode capability

2. Boat can maintain a given compass heading after being switched to autonomous mode and incorporates a “return to base” feature that returns the sailboat back to its starting position

3. Boat can record and transmit servo, sensor, and position data back to base

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