
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
39 The Illini Wagon
Ian Watson
Neha Joseph
Ramya Reddy
John Li proposal1.pdf
Self Driving Wagon

Team Members:
- Neha Joseph (nehaej2)
- Ian Watson (ianjw2)
- Ramya Reddy (ramyar3)

# Problem
College students and urban dwellers often face the challenge of carrying heavy loads while walking across campuses or within walkable cities. Whether heading to a tailgate, a picnic, grocery shopping, or hosting an outdoor event, transporting multiple items can be inconvenient and physically demanding. While existing solutions like rolling carts and backpacks provide some relief, they still require manual effort and become impractical over long distances.

With the rise of walkable cities and car-free urban spaces, there is a growing need for a hands-free, autonomous way to carry personal belongings over short distances without relying on traditional vehicles.

# Solution

We propose a self-driving smart wagon that autonomously follows the user using GPS tracking while carrying their items.

# Solution Components

## Subsystem 1 – Robot Controls System
The Robot Controls System utilizes an ESP32 microcontroller to receive Bluetooth data, enabling seamless communication with the user. It integrates the Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout Board for precise navigation to provide GPS coordinates. Additionally, the MCU interfaces with the motor system to control the vehicle’s motion, ensuring smooth and responsive movement.


1 x ESP32 Microcontroller

2 x Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout Board

## Subsystem 2 – Motor Control
We will equip the wagon with two 12V DC motors (3420) for propulsion and a servo motor (Tower Pro MG996) for steering, powered by a 12V battery (ML7-12 SLA). The steering system and electronic speed controller (ESC) will be integrated into a custom PCB, with velocity controlled via pulse width modulation (PWM). The wagon's speed, and equally voltage supplied to the DC motors, will dynamically adjust based on its distance from the user. Designed to handle loads of up to 30 lbs with ease, we may explore smaller, more cost-effective components to enhance efficiency while staying within budget.


2x 3420 DC motors for propulsion

1x Tower Pro MG996 Servo motor for steering

1x ML7-12 SLA Battery

## Subsystem 3 – Human Tracking System

This subsystem will include a Bluetooth module and a secondary GPS module. The user will carry this system in their pocket. The GPS module will output coordinate data to the Bluetooth module, which will then transmit this data to the MCU. The MCU will also receive location data from the on-unit GPS module (described in a previous subsystem). These two data streams will enable the MCU to calculate distance and directional information, which will be sent to the motor control subsystem.


Bluetooth Module (HC-05/HC-06 or RN-41) – transmit coordinate data to MCU

The Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout Board – send location data to bluetooth module

# Criterion For Success

Describe high-level goals that your project needs to achieve to be effective. These goals need to be clearly testable and not subjective.

Robot can follow a human in an open, outdoor space with no obstacles.
Robot is able to follow human around a bend/corner.
Robot is able to carry a load between 10-15 lbs.
Robot is able to maintain a set level of distance between itself and the human.
Robot can be turned on/off.
Robot is able to navigate around a singular obstacle placed in its path.

A successful project will complete 4 out of 6 of these goals, with the sixth goal being a reach goal. To demonstrate and test the robot, we will run the robot in the main quad with weighted items.

Autonomous Sailboat

Riley Baker, Arthur Liang, Lorenzo Rodriguez Perez

Autonomous Sailboat

Featured Project

# Autonomous Sailboat

Team Members:

- Riley Baker (rileymb3)

- Lorenzo Pérez (lr12)

- Arthur Liang (chianl2)

# Problem

WRSC (World Robotic Sailing Championship) is an autonomous sailing competition that aims at stimulating the development of autonomous marine robotics. In order to make autonomous sailing more accessible, some scholars have created a generic educational design. However, these models utilize expensive and scarce autopilot systems such as the Pixhawk Flight controller.

# Solution

The goal of this project is to make an affordable, user- friendly RC sailboat that can be used as a means of learning autonomous sailing on a smaller scale. The Autonomous Sailboat will have dual mode capability, allowing the operator to switch from manual to autonomous mode where the boat will maintain its current compass heading. The boat will transmit its sensor data back to base where the operator can use it to better the autonomous mode capability and keep track of the boat’s position in the water. Amateur sailors will benefit from the “return to base” functionality provided by the autonomous system.

# Solution Components

## On-board

### Sensors

Pixhawk - Connect GPS and compass sensors to microcontroller that allows for a stable state system within the autonomous mode. A shaft decoder that serves as a wind vane sensor that we plan to attach to the head of the mast to detect wind direction and speed. A compass/accelerometer sensor and GPS to detect the position of the boat and direction of travel.

### Actuators

2 servos - one winch servo that controls the orientation of the mainsail and one that controls that orientation of the rudder

### Communication devices

5 channel 2.4 GHz receiver - A receiver that will be used to select autonomous or manual mode and will trigger orders when in manual mode.

5 channel 2.4 GHz transmitter - A transmitter that will have the ability to switch between autonomous and manual mode. It will also transfer servos movements when in manual mode.

### Power

LiPo battery

## Ground control

Microcontroller - A microcontroller that records sensor output and servo settings for radio control and autonomous modes. Software on microcontroller processes the sensor input and determines the optimum rudder and sail winch servo settings needed to maintain a prescribed course for the given wind direction.

# Criterion For Success

1. Implement dual mode capability

2. Boat can maintain a given compass heading after being switched to autonomous mode and incorporates a “return to base” feature that returns the sailboat back to its starting position

3. Boat can record and transmit servo, sensor, and position data back to base

Project Videos