# | Title | Team Members | TA | Documents | Sponsor |
53 | Ultrasound Remote Operated Vehicle |
Gabriel Inojosa Jamil Yeung Ted Josephson |
Kaiwen Cao | proposal1.pdf |
# Ultrasound Remote Operated Vehicle Team Members: - Gabriel Inojosa (gvi2) - Ted Josephson (tdj4) - Jamil Yeung (jamilyy2) # Problem Submersible remote operated vehicles are often used for the inspection of underwater structures.The use of electromagnetics is predominant in most cases of wireless communication. However, electromagnetic waves of the frequencies typically used for communication in air and free space do not propagate well in water. As a result, submersible ROVs have been developed which communicate with the operator acoustically. However, these are very expensive. # Solution We intend to develop a proof of concept for a lower cost acoustically controlled ROV which operates in air, using cheap ultrasonic transducers designed for range finding. We would like to develop a low-cost method of wireless communication using acoustics for remote control that will fit within the budget of ECE 445. For simplicity of the project, we will use the ECE 110 car as the mechanical basis of our design. # Solution Components ## Subsystem 1: Transmitter Subsystem A STM32H7B3RIT6 Microcontroller with a MA40S4S Piezoelectric transducer will be transmitting a modulated control signal using frequency shift keying (FSK) at a carrier frequency of 40 kHz. The packets will be sent using a sequence of data bits that will vary to provide various instructions to the vehicle. The system will be connected to a laptop drawing 5V power over USB-C and will be communicating over UART using an FTDI FT231XS-R UART to USB converter for debugging purposes. ## Subsystem 2: Receiver Subsystem Receive ADC on the STM32H7B3RIT6 microcontroller demodulates the output of the RX piezo from the carrier frequency. For debugging purposes, it will also use the FT231XS-R UART to USB converter in order to be read. ## Subsystem 3: Actuator system A finite state machine will be used to set the vehicle to move forwards, backwards, and allow it to turn. This system will be driving an H bridge to control two DC motors to drive. It will be taking a 9V input from the battery. The STM32 will synchronously drive a MOSFET H-Bridge using a gate driver and a dead time circuit. ## Subsystem 4: Sensor system Using Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), the STM32 will communicate with voltage sensors to provide current and voltage readings from the 9V battery discharging on the moving car. Additional sensors (Temperature, etc). May also be included in the SPI bus if the time permits. ## Subsystem 5: Power subsystem For the moving vehicle, a 9 volt battery will be providing power. This will be stepped down to 3.3 volts using a R-78E3.3-0.5 non-isolated buck DC-DC Converter in order to power the STM32 Microcontroller. 5V power from the USB port will be used for the transmitter board with reverse current protection. A low dropout linear voltage regulator will be used in both systems to keep the voltage at around 3.3V. # Criterion For Success Describe high-level goals that your project needs to achieve to be effective. These goals need to be clearly testable and not subjective. The power system will draw from a 9V battery to power the microcontroller with 3.3V +- 0.1% With a microphone and a spectrum analyzer, the transducers will send a modulated FSK signal within a carrier frequency close to 40kHz. Proof of FSK modulation will be provided using oscilloscope screenshots Upon receiving the modulated signal, a print statement over UART will provide the demodulated instruction packet. Proof of FSK demodulation will be provided using oscilloscope screenshots The actuator system will successfully turn the car motors forward, reverse, and turn. The sensor system will be able to properly communicate with the microcontroller over SPI. A varying voltage source will be swept up to 9 volts to prove the measurements of the sensor. Print statements will be provided over UART. The car with the sensor system will be able to transmit its measurements back to the controller that is remotely positioned. Print statements will be provided over UART |