# | Title | Team Members | TA | Documents | Sponsor |
81 | Fire and Gas Detection with Real-Time LED Navigation |
Abel Garcia Alex Parafinczuk Jainam Shah |
Surya Vasanth | proposal1.pdf |
Team Members: - Alex Parafinczuk (atp6) - Abel Garcia (abelg3) - Jainam Shah (jshah74) # Problem Commercial Smoke detectors in the market currently give users the ability to call first-responders immediately and play an alarm sound when there is a hazard present in one's home. Some smoke detectors come with the ability to connect with your phone via messages or mobile apps alerting the homeowner to potential hazards in their home. The issue with these types of smoke detectors is that help isn't immediate. Responders take a little while to reach home, and during this time if there was a way to help mitigate the effect of the hazard there could be a potential save in property and lives. # Solution With the use of sensors such as gas and temperature sensors, we will know right away when a hazard is detected. If the hazard detected is a gas such as methane, butane, an alarm will sound indicating that the family should leave and get emergency responders. If the detected hazard is a fire, we will have an app that will have your floorplan of the house as well as locations of where each sensor you placed around the house. With this information, an algorithm will run which will designate an exit route that can be taken for the family to escape. When the fire breaks out at a location, we will have bright LEDs on the smoke detectors which will light up in the direction you should take to exit the house safely based on the route given. At this time, we will close the vents around the hazardous areas in order to help weaken/prevent the growth of the fire in the house. In addition to this, since closing a vent doesn’t guarantee the power being off for an HVAC unit, to prevent any damage to the HVAC unit we will shut the HVAC unit. # Solution Components ## Temperature/Gas Sensors Subsystem Outside of the main smoke detection unit, we will have temperature sensors which will be placed in designated rooms in order to give our control unit relevant information about where the hazard has originated from. They will also contain the LEDs to lead inhabitants to the designated exit and alarms to notify them of any hazard detected. - Temperature Sensors (LM335AH) - MQ-9 Gas Sensors for Carbon Monoxide and Flammable Gasses - Alarm on Board - LEDs ## Vents Subsystem This will be a motorized controlled vent that will open and shut depending on whether a fire hazard is detected. - Stepper Motor to control the movement of the vent. ## Control The control system will be in control of receiving data from the sensors. When a temperature sensor spikes up indicating a fire, the control will run the algorithm first and then send the signal to a set of leds for the optimal route to take for safety. In the case of a fire, a signal will be sent to shut all of the vents. - ESP-32 ## App Subsystem This will be where the user sets the floor plan of their house. They will be able to designate all the rooms in the house, connections between rooms, as well as all possible exits in the house. This interface will communicate with the control unit giving it the information on where the sensors are located around the house. - React Native Frontend - Firebase Backend ## Power Subsystem We will use batteries as our power source which will be situated in our central control unit. The batteries, with converters, will then power everything including the sensor system, the control system, and the motorized vents. A sensor will also be connected to check the remaining charge of the batteries, which will be sent to the app for the user to see when they need to be changed. - Batteries - Buck converters # Criterion For Success The following goals are fundamental to the success of our project: - Most optimal path to safety is chosen for conditions involving fire. - Other gasses found such as Carbon Monoxide and other flammable gasses will sound an alarm to notify residents to leave and get emergency services. - LED’s light according to the path chosen by the control unit. - All vents will close upon detecting a high temperature signaling a fire that has broken out. - App successfully communicates with the phone and system to upload the floorplan. The goals below are reach goals we will try to achieve if time allows: - Vents will have more functionality and be able to keep designated exits clear of smoke. - App will automatically call emergency services in the presence of life-threatening gas hazards. - In the case of all primary exits being blocked, we would want the user to designate secondary exits such as windows as a last resort method for the algorithm to give. |