
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
Alex Dicheva
Patrick Wang
Wyatt Sass
Luoyan Li design_document2.pdf

## Team Members:
- Alex Dicheva (dicheva2)
- Wyatt Sass (wpsass2)
- Patrick Wang (pw16)

# Problem

A lot of research has been done on the impact temperature has on your sleep. In general, the body prefers a cooler temperature when we try to fall asleep. However, while we are asleep, our body tends to cool and thus might benefit from a slightly warmer environment. As a result, various efforts have been made toward temperature regulation while we sleep. Some examples might be temperature-controlled bed sheets or duvets, as can be found in the following links:

[BedJet](, [Smartduvet](, [EightSleep](

Each takes a different approach to the problem, but the common issue is the high price. Each of these solutions is priced at over $1000, making it unaffordable for the average consumer.

# Solution

Heated blankets can be found just about anywhere, and cost between $25-50. This product can be modified to make Temperature Controlled Sleep cheap and attainable for everyone.
We can add temperature sensors to the outer layers of the heated blanket to track the temperature of the contact area between the user and the blanket. Another small sensor (like an IMU) can determine when the user's movements slow down, indicating that they may have fallen asleep. Using this data, we can create an app that allows the user to set a desired temperature for wake and sleep. We can also provide temperature recommendations allowing users to choose a temperature that will improve the quality of their sleep. Further, temperature regulation can be used in the morning to assist with waking up. Users can set a wake-up temperature based on their morning preferences and desired wake-up time.
Ultimately, this serves as a much cheaper alternative for users to optimize their sleep and improves upon existing products that are already commonplace.
# Solution Components

## Heating System

We will build the heating system off of a readily available [heated blanket]( The standard heated blanket comes with a physical remote that allows a user to cycle through some preset heating modes. We will take advantage of the heating coils that are already present in the blanket, but handle the control with our microcontroller which automatically changes the temperature. The goal is to create a much more fine-tuned system, allowing the user to set a specific temperature ahead of time (i.e. 70 degrees Fahrenheit).

## Temperature sensing system

We will be detecting the heat on the user side of the blanket through temperature sensors ([LM35DZ/NOPB]( or [DS18B20]( placed throughout the blanket. These sensors would all be connected to our central microcontroller. With this temperature information, we could determine the average temperatures in the different zones of the blanket, and this would be used closely with our heating system to achieve our desired heating effects.

## Sleep-sensing system

A presumption that we make for the scope of the project is that movement is a clear indication of whether or not a user is asleep. For example, we might set the threshold to be that 10 minutes of stillness indicates a high likelihood that the user has fallen asleep.
To implement this system, we will detect movement in the blanket with a [small IMU](, which we will connect to our central controller. We can track most of the major movements of a user through this IMU which would be stationed near the center of our blanket.
After our system determines the user is asleep, we can trigger the blanket to switch modes and change the maintenance temperature.

## App/controller system

We will allow user control via an app or controller system that takes input in terms of a desired temperature range. The user would be able to choose two distinct temperatures: one for when they are still awake and one for after they fall asleep. These would be used to automatically heat the blanket to the correct temperature. The app would interface with our blanket through a wireless connection like Bluetooth, using a small Bluetooth module ([RN4871-I/RM140]( or[ HC-05](

## Blanket control system

The brain of the blanket will use a microcontroller to take the readings from our motion-sensing system to determine whether the user is plausibly asleep and change the heat accordingly. It will also change its heat setting to stay as close to the desired temperature as possible. We would design this microcontroller ourselves, taking inspiration from other commonly used microcontrollers like the Arduino. All of the sensors and modules would be connected to this microcontroller simultaneously, so our PCB design would have to properly account for that.

# Criterion For Success

The blanket successfully senses when a user stops moving (i.e. determines the user has fallen asleep), and changes temperature accordingly.

The blanket takes user input and automatically adjusts its temperature accordingly. This also means that the blanket is able to successfully communicate with our app through bluetooth.

The blanket accurately assesses the temperature throughout the blanket for the duration of its use.

The blanket stays at a steady temperature (+/- 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit, lasting over 5 minutes) once it reaches its goal temperature.

Growing Degree Day Monitor

Anthony De Roo, John Habegger, Jay Zhaoyu Yao

Featured Project

The purpose is to create an inexpensive growing degree day monitor that records temperature and computes growing degree days for a specific farming field during a growing season. This monitor will be placed near a farm field where it will monitor temperature conditions during the growing season. It will record both the ambient air and soil temperatures over the course of day. These temperatures will then be used to calculate the growing degree days. The cumulative number of degree days will then be displayed on either a seven-segment display or this can be downloaded to a computer. This monitor will be powered through a combination of both solar and battery power.