CS/ECE 374 A: Lecture and Lab Schedule

The calendar below lists the topics of each lecture and lab section for the semester, with links to typeset notes, scribbles, and video for each lecture, as well as problem handouts and solutions for each lab. Future lecture topics are subject to change. Exam dates are not.

Textbook chapters or lecture notes are available for each lecture, and problem handouts are available for each lab. (Solution links for future labs are just placeholders.) Stars indicate materials that have been updated or revised this semester. Hearts indicate more advanced material (not covered in class and not appearing in any homework or exam).

If you find any of the bugs we've cleverly hidden in the lecture materials, please open a new issue on bug-tracking site for Jeff's textbook and post a description of the error to Piazza; I will give extra credit to the first person to find each bug and describe how to fix it.

Week Tuesday Lecture Wednesday Lab Thursday Lecture Friday Lab
Aug 26–30 Administrivia and course goals
Introduction and history; strings
[scribbles, my video]
String induction
[induction notes] [solutions]
String induction,
Languages and regular expressions
[scribbles, my video]
Regular expressions
Sep 2–6 DFAs: intuition, definitions, examples
[Automata Tutor, JFLAP, scribbles, my video]
DFA construction
[Automata Tutor, JFLAP, solutions]
DFAs: product construction, closure properties, automatic=regular, fooling sets
[scribbles, my video]
DFA product construction
Sep 9–13 Proving nonregularity via fooling sets
NFAs: intuition and examples
[scribbles, Echo360 video]
Proving nonregularity
NFAs: ε-transitions, (most of) equivalence with DFAs and regular expressions
[scribbles, my video]
Regex to NFA to DFA (to regex)
Sep 16–20 Converting NFAs to regular expressions, language transformations
Chandra's slides]
Language transformations
Context-free languages and grammars
Ian's slides]
Context-free grammars
Sep 23–27 Turing machines
[scribbles, my video]
Language transformation formalism
Optional review for Midterm 1
fake midterm, scribbles, my video]
Optional review for Midterm 1
Midterm 1 — Monday, September 30, 7–9pm
Conflict exam: Tuesday, October 1
Sep 30–Oct 4 Recursion: Hanoi, mergesort, quicksort
[scribbles, my video]
Hint: Binary search
Divide and conquer: Karatsuba multiplication, linear-time selection
[scribbles, my video]
Fun with Karatsuba
Oct 7–11 Backtracking: n queens, game trees, text segmentation
[scribbles, my video]
Dynamic programming: Fibonacci, text segmentation again
[scribbles, my video]
Dynamic programming
Oct 14–18 Sequence dynamic programming: Edit distance
[scribbles, my video]
More dynamic programming
Tree-shaped dynamic programming: Optimal binary search trees
[scribbles, my video]
Yet even still more dynamic programming
Drop deadline
Oct 21–25 Graphs: definitions, representations, data structures, traversal
[scribbles, my video]
Graph modeling
Depth-first search, topological sort
[scribbles, my video]
Topological sort
Oct 28–Nov 1 Dynamic programming in DAGs, strongly connected components
Generic shortest paths
[scribbles, my video]
Shortest paths
Shortest paths: BFS, DFS, Disjktra, Bellman-Ford, and (briefly) Floyd-Warshall
[scribbles, my video]
All-pairs shortest paths
Nov 4–8 All-pairs shortest paths in detail
[scribbles, my video]
More graph modeling
Optional review for Midterm 2
fake midterm, scribbles, my video, extra video for problem 4]
Optional review for Midterm 2
Midterm 2 — Monday, November 11, 7–9pm
Conflict exam: Tuesday, November 12
Nov 11–15 P vs NP, NP-hardness, Cook-Levin Theorem, Circuit SAT, 3SAT
( Removing nondeterminism via dovetailing, proof of Cook-Levin)
[blackboard, Echo360 video]
NP-hardness reductions: Independent Set, Clique, Vertex Cover, 3-coloring
[scribbles, my video]
NP-hardness proofs
Nov 18–22 More NP-hardness reductions: Hamiltonian cycle, choosing which problem to reduce from, international draughts
[scribbles, my video]
More NP-hardness proofs
NP-hardness review
[scribbles, my video]
Return of the Son of Revenge of the Planet of the NP-hardness Proofs, the Final Chapter, Part 4½: Zatoichi versus Godzilla
Nov 25–29 Thanksgiving break
Dec 2–6 Undecidability: code is data, the non-president's club, self-haters gonna self-hate, halting problem
[scribbles, my video] <
Undecidability via reductions
Undecidability: reductions and Rice's theorem
ICES Forms
[scribbles, my video]
Using Rice's Theorem
Dec 9–13 Wrap-up and final exam review
[scribbles, my video]
Review for final exam Final Exam
Final exam — Friday, December 13, 8am–11am
Conflict exam: TBA