Aug 26–30 |
Administrivia and course goals
Introduction and history;
my video]
String induction
[induction notes]
String induction,
Languages and regular expressions
my video]
Regular expressions
Sep 2–6 |
DFAs: intuition, definitions, examples
[Automata Tutor,
my video]
DFA construction
[Automata Tutor,
DFAs: product construction, closure properties, automatic=regular, fooling sets
my video]
DFA product construction
Sep 9–13 |
Proving nonregularity via fooling sets
NFAs: intuition and examples
Echo360 video]
Proving nonregularity
NFAs: ε-transitions, (most of) equivalence with DFAs and regular expressions
my video]
Regex to NFA to DFA (to regex)
Sep 16–20 |
Converting NFAs to regular expressions,
language transformations
[Chandra's slides]
Language transformations
Context-free languages and grammars
[Ian's slides]
Context-free grammars
Sep 23–27 |
Turing machines
my video]
Language transformation formalism
Optional review for Midterm 1
[fake midterm,
my video]
Optional review for Midterm 1
Midterm 1 — Monday, September 30, 7–9pm
Conflict exam: Tuesday, October 1
Sep 30–Oct 4 |
Recursion: Hanoi, mergesort, quicksort
my video]
Hint: Binary search
Divide and conquer: Karatsuba multiplication, linear-time selection
my video]
Fun with Karatsuba
Oct 7–11 |
Backtracking: n queens, game trees, text segmentation
my video]
Dynamic programming: Fibonacci, text segmentation again
my video]
Dynamic programming
Oct 14–18 |
Sequence dynamic programming: Edit distance
my video]
More dynamic programming
Tree-shaped dynamic programming: Optimal binary search trees
my video]
Yet even still more dynamic programming
Drop deadline
Oct 21–25 |
Graphs: definitions, representations, data structures, traversal
my video]
Graph modeling
Depth-first search, topological sort
my video]
Topological sort
Oct 28–Nov 1 |
Dynamic programming in DAGs, strongly connected components
Generic shortest paths
my video]
Shortest paths
Shortest paths:
BFS, DFS, Disjktra, Bellman-Ford, and (briefly)
my video]
All-pairs shortest paths
Nov 4–8 |
All-pairs shortest paths in detail
my video]
More graph modeling
Optional review for Midterm 2
[fake midterm,
my video,
extra video for problem 4]
Optional review for Midterm 2
Midterm 2 — Monday, November 11, 7–9pm
Conflict exam: Tuesday, November 12
Nov 11–15 |
P vs NP, NP-hardness, Cook-Levin Theorem, Circuit SAT, 3SAT
Removing nondeterminism via dovetailing, proof of Cook-Levin)
Echo360 video]
NP-hardness reductions: Independent Set, Clique, Vertex Cover, 3-coloring
my video]
NP-hardness proofs
Nov 18–22 |
More NP-hardness reductions: Hamiltonian cycle, choosing which problem to reduce from, international draughts
my video]
More NP-hardness proofs
NP-hardness review
my video]
Return of the Son of Revenge of the Planet of the NP-hardness Proofs, the Final Chapter, Part 4½: Zatoichi versus Godzilla
Nov 25–29 |
Thanksgiving break |
Dec 2–6 |
Undecidability: code is data, the non-president's club, self-haters gonna self-hate, halting problem
my video]
< |
Undecidability via reductions
Undecidability: reductions and Rice's theorem
ICES Forms
my video]
Using Rice's Theorem
Dec 9–13 |
Wrap-up and final exam review
my video]
Review for final exam |
Final Exam |
Final exam — Friday, December 13, 8am–11am
Conflict exam: TBA